Yield sprouted from a deep-rooted desire to help people, businesses, and organizations tell their stories, in ways that are meaningful and valuable.

Our expertise is a blend of strategy, creative writing, media and stakeholder engagement, and execution, across a variety of industries, including: Food & Beverage, Restaurants, Retail, Hospitality, Real Estate, Community Development, Travel & Experience, and Non-Profit.


Meet the Team

Kate Fettig Posby

Prior to founding YIELD, Kate was a distinguished communications professional based in Chicago, with more than a decade of experience at top global communications firms, including Burson-Marsteller, Edelman, MWW, and OLSON. During her time in the agency world, Kate was a strategic and creative leader, and oversaw numerous award-winning product launches, media luncheons, celebrity partnerships, influencer programs, and large-scale events.

Today, she heads an independent marketing communications agency that brings together more than two decades of corporate, agency and consultant experience.